
Dr. Chang Liu will teach ME 3253 Linear Systems Theory in Spring 2025.


Dr. Chang Liu is teaching ME 3295-001/ME 5895-001/ECE 6095-004 Nonlinear Systems (Dynamics and Control concentration of ME Undergraduates) in Fall 2024. Check the draft syllabus here: Syllabus

Course example code is hosted on: GitHub – cliu124/Nonlinear_Systems

Course description: Nonlinear systems appear in a wide range of applications including robotics, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, manufacturing, electrical engineering, chemistry, and biology. This class will introduce a suite of general analysis tools for nonlinear systems where the linear approximation breaks down. The nonlinear stability analysis based on the Lyapunov method will be introduced. Characterizing the system property based on feedback interconnection will also be introduced, which has a close relation to feedback control. We will also discuss frequency domain analysis of nonlinear systems based on transfer functions that are closely related to linear systems theory. This class will also introduce several numerical software for nonlinear system analysis that can be applied in practical applications and useful for designing a course project. We will use fluid dynamics to demonstrate the practical application of nonlinear system analysis tools introduced in this class. If time permits, this course will also introduce the data-driven modeling of nonlinear systems. This course will use the textbook “Nonlinear Systems” authored by Prof. Hassan K. Khalil. The grade is based on homework (50%) and a course project (50%). There is no pre-requisite for this class, and ME 3253 Linear Systems Theory is not a pre-requisite.


Dr. Chang Liu is teaching CE2120 Applied Mechanics II in Spring 2024. Check the draft syllabus here: Syllabus Applied Mechanics II Spring 2024 CE 2120.