Our Team


Graduate students

We are continuously searching for highly motivated Ph.D. students joining the group. If you are interested in applying Ph.D. fellowship together, please contact me. More fellowships for doctoral candidates and also here.


  • Yusuf Zaidi
    • Awarded NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Internship
  • Kalin Kochnev
    • Awarded UConn Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) Awards
    • Awarded NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Scholarship

Highly-motivatd undergraduate students are encouraged to get in touch. If you are interested in applying NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), please contact me. UConn students can check funding opportunites from Office of Undergraduate Research. More opportunities for undergraduate students is here.

Visiting Students and Scholars

  • Weichen Zhao

Visiting students and scholars are welcome to contact and discuss potential collaborative projects.


Currently, we only consider postdocs with external sources of fundings or fellowship right now. If you are interested in applying postdoc fellowship together, please contact me to discuss potential project. More Fellowships for postdocs and early career professionals and also here.

High School Students and Teachers

  • Ray Hu
  • Benjamin Machlus

Highly motivated high school students interested in Science Research Competitions are welcome to contact. K-14 educators who are interested in Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering and Computer Science are welcome to contact.

Research Mentees before UConn

  • Zhiwei (Dave) Li (Co-advised with Adrian van Kan and Edgar Knobloch)
    • Topic: Traveling localized structures within inclined convection in porous medium
  • Lichuan Xu (Co-advised with Adrian van Kan and Edgar Knobloch)
    • Next position: PhD student in University of Chicago
    • Lichuan Xu, Adrian van Kan, Chang Liu, Edgar Knobloch (2024) “Fluctuation-Induced Transitions in Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Turbulence” Physical Review Fluids 9, 064605. (Editor’s Suggestion) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.064605
    • Awarded by Physics Innovators Initiative Summer Scholars (Pi2) and Berkeley Physics Undergraduate Research Scholars (BPURS)
  • Troy Tsubota (Co-advised with Benjamin Foster and Edgar Knobloch)
    • Troy Tsubota, Chang Liu, Benjamin Foster, Edgar Knobloch (2023) “Bifurcation delay and front propagation in the real Ginzburg-Landau equation on a time-dependent domain” Physical Review E 109, 044210 https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.109.044210
    • Awarded by Physics Innovators Initiative Summer Scholars (Pi2) and Berkeley Physics Undergraduate Research Scholars (BPURS)
  • Aishwarya Rath (Co-advised with Dennice F. Gayme)
    • Topic: Structured input-output analysis of transitional boundary layers
  • Yu Shuai (Co-advised with Dennice F. Gayme)
    • Next position: Ph.D. student in Princeton University
    • Yu Shuai, Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2023) “Structured Input-Output Analysis of Oblique Laminar-Turbulent Patterns in plane Couette-Poiseuille Flow.” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 103, 109207. (Invited) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2023.109207
    • Yu Shuai, Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2022) “Structured Input-Output Analysis of Oblique Turbulent Bands in Transitional Plane Couette-Poiseuille Flow.” Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Osaka, Japan (Online)http://www.tsfp-conference.org/proceedings/2022/254.pdf.pdf


List of People
Jino GeorgePhD student
Photo of Kalin KochnevKalin KochnevUndergraduate student
Photo of Chang LiuChang LiuAssistant Professor
Duc NguyenPhD student
Yusuf ZaidiYusuf ZaidiUndergraduate student