
Journal Articles

  1. Chang Liu, Manjul Sharma, Keith Julien, Edgar Knobloch (2024) “Fixed-flux Rayleigh-Benard convection in doubly periodic domains: generation of large-scale shear.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 979, A19.
  2. Junle Liu, K. T. Tse, Gang Hu, Chang Liu, Bingchao Zhang, Kenny C. S. Kwok “Exploring aerodynamics of a rectangular cylinder using flow field and surface pressure synchronized testing technique.” Physics of Fluids. 36(8), 085174
  3. Lichuan Xu, Adrian van Kan, Chang Liu, Edgar Knobloch (2024) “Fluctuation-induced transitions in anisotropic two-dimensional turbulence.” Physical Review Fluids. 9, 064605.  (Editor’s Suggestion)
  4. Troy Tsubota, Chang Liu, Benjamin Foster, Edgar Knobloch (2024) “Bifurcation delay and front propagation in the real Ginzburg-Landau equation on a time-dependent domain.” Physical Review E. 109, 044210.
  5. Xuepeng Fu, Shixiao Fu, Chang Liu, Mengmeng Zhang, Qihan Hu (2024) “Data-driven approach for modelling Reynolds stress tensor with invariance preservation.” Computers & Fluids. 274, 106215.
  6. Yu Shuai, Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2023) “Structured input-output analysis of oblique laminar-turbulent patterns in plane Couette-Poiseuille flow.” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 103, 109207. (Invited)
  7. Chang Liu, Antwan D. Clark (2023) “Semi-analytical solutions of shallow water waves with idealised bottom topographies.” Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 117, 35–58.
  8. Chang Liu, Antwan D. Clark (2023) “Analysing the impact of bottom friction on shallow water waves over idealised bottom topographies.” Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 117, 107–129.
  9. Chang Liu, Colm-cille P. Caulfield, Dennice F. Gayme (2022) “Structured input-output analysis of stably stratified plane Couette flow.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 948, A10.
  10. Chang Liu, Keith Julien, Edgar Knobloch (2022) “Staircase solutions and stability in vertically confined salt-finger convection.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 952, A4.
  11. Chang Liu, Edgar Knobloch (2022) “Single-mode solutions for convection and double-diffusive convection in porous media.” Fluids. 7, 373. (Invited, Issue cover)
  12. Chang Liu, Igal Gluzman, Mitchell Lozier, Samaresh Midya, Stanislav Gordeyev, Flint O Thomas, Dennice F Gayme (2022) “Spatial input-output analysis of actuated turbulent boundary layers.” AIAA Journal. 60, 6313–6327.
  13. Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2021) “Structured input-output analysis of transitional wall-bounded flows.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 927, A25. (Corrsin-Kovasznay Outstanding Paper Award)
  14. Mengmeng Zhang, Shixiao Fu, Chang Liu, Haojie Ren, Yuwang Xu (2021) “Experimental investigation on vortex-induced force of a steel catenary riser under in-plane vessel motion.” Marine Structures. 78, 102882.
  15. Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2020) “An input-output based analysis of convective velocity in turbulent channels.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 888, A32.
  16. Chang Liu, Dennice F Gayme (2020) “Input-output inspired method for permissible perturbation amplitude of transitional wall-bounded shear flows.” Physical Review E. 102, 063108.
  17. Chang Liu, Shixiao Fu, Mengmeng Zhang, Haojie Ren, Yuwang Xu (2020) “Hydrodynamics of a flexible cylinder under modulated vortex-induced vibrations.” Journal of Fluids and Structures. 94, 102913.
  18. Haojie Ren, Mengmeng Zhang, Jingyun Cheng, Peimin Cao, Yuwang Xu, Shixiao Fu, Chang Liu, Yifan Wang (2020) “Magnification of hydrodynamic coefficients on a flexible pipe fitted with helical strakes in oscillatory flows.” Ocean Engineering. 210, 107543.
  19. Haojie Ren, Shixiao Fu, Chang Liu, Mengmeng Zhang, Yuwang Xu, Shi Deng (2020) “Hydrodynamic forces of a semi-submerged cylinder in an oscillatory flow.” Applied Sciences. 10, 6404.
  20. Haojie Ren, Mengmeng Zhang, Jingyun Cheng, Peimin Cao, Yuwang Xu, Shixiao Fu, Chang Liu (2020) “Experimental Investigation on Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Flexible Pipe under Higher Mode in an Oscillatory Flow.” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 8, 408.
  21. Chang Liu, Lu Dong (2019) “Stabilization of Lagrange points in circular restricted three-body problem: a port-Hamiltonian approach.” Physics Letters A. 383, 1907–1914.
  22. Chang Liu, Lu Dong (2019) “Physics-based control education: energy, dissipation, and structure assignments.” European Journal of Physics. 40, 035006
  23. Jungao Wang, Shixiao Fu, Rolf Baarholm, Mengmeng Zhang, Chang Liu (2019) “Global motion reconstruction of a steel catenary riser under vessel motion.” Ships and Offshore Structures. 14, 442–456.
  24. Chang Liu, Shixiao. Fu, Xiaoying Tang, Mengmeng Zhang, Haojie Ren (2019) “Time Varying Hydrodynamic Characteristics Identification of a Flexible Riser under Multi-frequency VIVs.” Journal of Vibration and Shock 38(1), 149-158 (In Chinese)
  25. Chang Liu (2019) “Teaching control theory in physics: the port Hamiltonian framework.” College Physics 38(10), 1 (In Chinese) (Outstanding paper award in 2019)
  26. Chang Liu, Shixiao Fu, Mengmeng Zhang, Haojie Ren (2018) “Time-varying hydrodynamics of a flexible riser under multi-frequency vortex-induced vibrations.” Journal of Fluids and Structures. 80, 217–244.

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. Aishwarya. Rath, Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2024) “The effect of wall suction on optimal perturbations in transitional boundary layers.” 2024 Conference on Decision and Control, Milan, Italy (Accepted)
  2. Chang Liu, Antwan D. Clark (2024) “Error bounds of constant gain least-mean-squares algorithms.” 58th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, USA
  3. Chang Liu, Yu Shuai, Aishwarya Rath, Dennice F. Gayme (2023) “A structured input-output approach to characterizing optimal perturbations in wall-bounded shear flows.” 2023 American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (ACC) pp. 2319-2325.
  4. Yu Shuai, Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2022) “Structured Input-Output Analysis of Oblique Turbulent Bands in Transitional Plane Couette-Poiseuille Flow.” Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Osaka, Japan (Online)
  5. Chang Liu, Igal Gluzman, Mitchell Lozier, Samaresh Midya, Stanislav Gordeyev, Flint O Thomas, Dennice F Gayme (2021) “Spatial input–output analysis of large-scale structures in actuated turbulent boundary layers.” AIAA Aviation 2021-2873 (Virtual Event)
  6. Chang Liu, Dennice F Gayme (2019) “Convective velocities of vorticity fluctuations in turbulent channel flows: an input-output approach.” Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomenon, Southampton, UK
  7. Chang Liu, Shixiao Fu, Mengmeng Zhang, Haojie Ren (2017) “Time Varying Hydrodynamics Identification of a Flexible Riser Under Multi-Frequency Vortex-Induced Vibrations.” International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 57649, V002T08A029.

Invited Talks

  1. Chang Liu (2024) “Single-mode equations based reduced-order modeling of (double-diffusive) convection.” Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, July 12, 2024
  2. Chang Liu (2024) “Reduced-order modeling and analysis of fluid flows: from wall-bounded shear flows to convection.” Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, January 25, 2024 (Virtual)
  3. Chang Liu (2023) “Structured input-output analysis of wall-bounded shear flows.” Pre-APSDFD23 Workshop: The intersection of experiments, machine learning, and dynamical systems approaches to turbulent/complex fluid flows in energy systems and the environment, November 16-17, 2023, Durham, New Hampshire
  4. Chang Liu (2023) “Reduced-order modeling and analysis of fluid flows.” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, September 8, 2023, Storrs, Connecticut
  5. Chang Liu (2023) “Reduced-order modeling and analysis of fluid flows: from wall-bounded shear flows to convection.” Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, February 22, 2023, Storrs, Connecticut
  6. Chang Liu (2022) “Structured input-output analysis of transitional wall-bounded shear flows.” Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 3, 2022 (Online)
  7. Chang Liu (2022) “Structured input-output analysis of transitional wall-bounded flows.” Corrsin-Kovasznay Award talk in Center for Environmental & Applied Fluid Mechanics at Johns Hopkins University, April 22, 2022, Baltimore, Maryland (Corrsin-Kovasznay Outstanding Paper Award)
  8. Chang Liu, Dennice F. Gayme (2021) Structured input-output analysis of wall-parallel length scales in transitional plane Couette flow.” AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, August 2-6, 2021, Virtual Event


  1. Chang Liu (2021) “Feedback interconnection based input-output analysis of spatio-temporal response in wall-bounded shear flows.” Ph.D. thesis at Johns Hopkins University
  2. Chang Liu (2017) “Hydrodynamics of Flexible Riser under Vortex-induced Vibration.” Bachelor thesis at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Top 1% Bachelor Thesis of Shanghai Jiao Tong University)