
We continuously searching for self-motivated Ph.D. students! Please contact chang_liu@uconn.edu if you are interested in working with us. Potential topics include: wall-bounded shear flows; double-diffusive convection; fluid-structure interaction; shallow water waves analyzed using control-theory based approach, dynamical system approach, semi-analytical approach as well as direct numerical simulations. Highly-motivated students with strong background on fluid dynamics, applied mathematics, and computational sciences are especially welcome.

FLuids, Uncertainty, Estimation, Nonlinearity and Turbulence (FLUENT) Lab is led by Prof. Chang Liu at School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Connecticut. We work on the intersection among fluid dynamics, nonlinear dynamical system, control theory, state estimation and optimization with a special focus on turbulence.

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Dr. Chang Liu


191 Auditorium Rd. 

EII 312
Storrs, CT 06269